18 Октября компания Cigraph обьявила о выпуске двух"/>

ArchiMaterial и ArchiQuant — новые дополнения ArchiCAD 11


18 Октября компания Cigraph обьявила о выпуске двух новых расширений ArchiCAD
ArchiMaterial Предназначен для улучшенного управления материалами и текстурами в ArchiCAD, позволяет редактировать списки материалов в иерархическом режиме, назначение материалов методом drag&drop, изменять прозрачность и рельефность итд.
ArchiQuant — Улучшенная система расчета сметных расчетов в ArchiCAD.
Выпуск демонстрационных версий адд-онов намечен на ближайшие недели.

ArchiMaterial ­
ArchiMaterial allows a new management ArchiCAD surface materials, arranging them in hierarchical mode (user-definable), and defining favorite technique using drag & drop, which allows you to select the preview material for a drag on the when you want to assign.
A simple procedure enables digenerare images weaving repeated without joints, together with images to be used for the effects of mapping, transparency, etc..
ArchiQuant is a plug ArchiCAD developed to allow users to obtain more easily and immediate estimates metric estimated linked to components (and more) of ArchiCAD ­Virtual Building.
Just assign a desired component to the constructive and define the method of calculation for this item and it is automatically computed from lists provided by ArchiQuant computation.
The database components, namely prezziario, can be imported from external files or manually defined using the same ArchiQuant; It is the database that includes all items that you can compute in our project ArchiCAD.
The database component is based on two types of elements: Chapter and the Component. The Chapter is the hierarchical division of the Components normally has an alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies and a textual description.
The component is the basic unit database. Each component includes:

  • * An alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies the
  • * A textual description
  • * A summary description (headline)
  • * A unit of measurement
  • * A unit price.

­ The total amount of component and the total cost are included automatically by ArchiQuantArchiCAD. When you assign a component element of a construction ArchiCAD, it is necessary to define the way in which the component is computed according to the size / amount of the same element of construction.
Each element of construction ArchiCAD you can associate more components and thus more formulas.
based on the size of the project that has been associated in

  • * For example, a wall individual components could be:
  • * Bricks (number of bricks per cubic meter of the wall)
  • * Plaster external (related to the external surface of the wall)
  • * Internal plaster (associated with the inner surface of the wall)
  • * Finish external (related to the external surface of the wall)
  • * Interior painting (associated with the inner surface of the wall)
  • * Skirting (related to the length of the inner wall, fewer ports)

ArchiQuant gives the user the ability to save this list of components so they can still associate at various stages of construction elements, reimportandole.
At the end lists computation return metric ArchiQuant estimated to be generated.
You can customize lists by choosing to compute data to be displayed, filters to be used, the graphics of the list itself.
Again, you can record those settings so that we can use at any time without having to lose time to reconfigure the list as desired.




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