ArchiCAD 13 Обновление #2* (сборка 3235)

для Коммерческой, Образовательной и"/>

Обновление # 3235 для ArchiCAD 13

ArchiCAD 13 update

ArchiCAD 13 Обновление #2* (сборка 3235)

для Коммерческой, Образовательной и Испытательной лицензий

Данное обновление содержит важные исправления ошибок, обнаруженных со времени выпуска ArchiCAD 13 (Сборка 3000) и BIM Сервера. Это Обновление может быть установлено на любой ArchiCAD 13 и BIM Сервер (начиная со сборки 3000). Обновление применимо ко всем (Коммерческой, Образовательной и Испытательной) типам лицензий.

* Примечание: Обновление №1 [Hotfix #1] (Build 3013) было выпущено только в некоторых странах, поэтому это первое «публичное» обновление.

О компании Graphisoft

Компания Graphisoft – ведущий разработчик технологии Виртуального Здания (Virtual BuildingTM) и решений, основанных на этой технологии. Она предложила сообществу проектировщиков основанный на 3D-моделировании способ проектирования, обеспечивший лучшее представление о проекте, сделавший конструкции более предсказуемыми, а операции менее дорогостоящими. Официальный сайт компании: Cайт на русском языке:

Об установщике Обновления:

В процессе обновления будет произведён автоматический поиск экземпляров трёх приложений (в данном порядке):

  1. ArchiCAD 13 (включая MEP Modeler, EcoDesigner, и все дополнения Graphisoft)
  2. GRAPHISOFT BIM Сервер (включая BIM Server Manager, автоматически устанавливаемый вместе с BIM Сервером)
  3. Автономный BIM Server Manager (Это относится к автономно установленному BIM Server Manager, отдельному приложению, которое может быть опционально установлено с ArchiCAD 13 DVD)

Если найдены установленные ArchiCAD 13 и/или автономный BIM Server Manager, вы можете выбрать обновлять ли любой из них или нет.

Если найден установленный BIM Сервер, он будет автоматически обновлён, если не был обновлён до этого.

Если ArchiCAD 13 уже обновлён, но при этом один из компонентов ArchiCAD (например, MEP Modeler или EcoDesigner) не обновлён, то установщик укажет на это и предложит обновить.

Важное примечание для ВСЕХ TeamWork Пользователей:

Работа в Teamwork требует, чтобы ArchiCAD, BIM Server Manager и BIM Сервер все имели одинаковый номер сборки.

Если вы используете ArchiCAD, чей номер сборки не соответствует сборке BIM Сервера, вы не можете продолжать работу в Teamwork, пока такое же обновление не будет установлено на BIM Сервер. (То же верно и для всех других копий ArchiCAD, работающих с одним и тем же BIM Сервером.)

Вследствие этого, если вы решаете обновить ArchiCAD или BIM Сервер, учтите, что вы должны обновить ВСЕ копии ArchiCAD и BIM Сервер так, чтобы у них был одинаковый номер сборки.

Для офисов, работающих в Teamwork, процесс обновления должен централизованно управляться CAD менеджером или другим назначенным менеджером, чтобы убедиться, что все компоненты обновлены и что ни один пользователь Teamwork не остался с отличающейся версией программы.

Ошибки, которые были исправлены, в данном Обновлении:

  • 100346 CRASH: On MAC OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard, when using certain Fonts types. After this fix the crash will not occur, but it is still impossible to use these fonts on Mac.
  • 99388 CRASH: In Interactive Schedule when listing walls that have special geometry holes in it
  • 100917 CRASH: When copying the contents of a Detail into a Complex Profile
  • 100109 CRASH: When deleting a section that is open and has highlighted (selected) Mark-up entries in it
  • 100169 CRASH: When modifying complex profiles in the editor window (intermittent)
  • 100069 CRASH: When opening DWG file that has self-referencing blocks in it
  • 100329 CRASH: When opening stair by browsing for StairMaker object in the file system
  • 100078 CRASH: When placing a Hotlink that has embedded Hotlinks from a file that is also a source of external drawings placed in the host file
  • 100985 CRASH: When saving custom 3D Object (circumstantial)
  • 92909 CRASH: When saving IFC file (file specific)
  • 101059 CodeMeter: License borrowing does not work if Network and borrow keys are both connected to the same machine
  • 100189 FILE: ‘Edit Stair’ function opens the wrong stair if there are 2 stairs in the embedded library with the same name
  • 100167 FILE: Adding certain object types to the embedded libarary with drag-and-drop does not work
  • 99193 FILE: Changing IFC properties of stairs and skylights is not registered — settings default to original after closing element settings dialog
  • 99254 FILE: Columns and Beams are not visible on 2D view after IFC 2×3 import (file specific problem)
  • 99818 FILE: Export to 3DS format: objects on the ArchiCAD layer are lost in the process if «Layers — Materials» setting is selected
  • 94890 FILE: Saving an ArchiCAD 13 project in ArchiCAD 12 format: 2D view of stairs are missing
  • 101525 FILE/DWF: DWF is scaled wrong in Autodesk Design Review if it contains arcs whose centerpoint falls outside the drawing’s border
  • 100355 FILE/DWG: «Leading» setting for ‘Paper Size’ text is ignored during DWG export, causing that text is vertically displaced in AutoCAD
  • 99765 FILE/DWG: Block references are imported as empty drawings under special circumstances
  • 99894 FILE/DWG: Exporting to DWG format from 3D window: Some elements are missing in the output file if «Export File with Simplified Data Structure» option is OFF
  • 99355 FILE/DWG: Saving DWG with «Save Layout into: Paper Space with Drawings as Blocks» option: the layout’s current pen set is used instead of the one set in Drawing settings
  • 101351 File/GDL: Objects which use the PICTURE2{2} command to display bitmaps show transparent background as opaque on Mac
  • 100209 FILE/GDL: Copy/paste command in GDL Editor on Mac can mess up the GDL script
  • 100904 FILE/GDL: Library part error occurs when Zone relations request is used in a door placed in a profiled wall
  • 101341 FILE/Hotlinks: Saving a module (.mod) file with «break nested hotlinks» option: embedded library elements of the nested Hotlink are left out from the .mod file’s embedded library
  • 99192 FILE/IFC Manager: «Show Selection in Tree» button is ineffective
  • 98516 FILE/IFC Manager: Show selection on floorplan button is inactive even when element is selected in the structure
  • 100233 FILE/IFC: Inclined beams are exported with wrong geometry
  • 100906 FILE/IFC: Skin order is reversed in complex profiled walls exported with ‘core only’ option
  • 100400 FILE/Library: Library is reloaded unnecessarily when a file with no embedded library is placed as a Hotlink
  • 102608 FILE/Library: With some special ArchiCAD 12 door types the width dimensions change when migrating to ArchiCAD 13
  • 100352 FILE/Print: On Mac OSX 1.06 Custom paper sizes are inactive (gray) in the page setup dialog
  • 100121 DESIGN: Solid element operations between two elements coming from the same hotlinked module are undone after re-opening the file
  • 100393 DESIGN: Wall End vertical stretch in 3D does not work
  • 100967 DOCUMENT: Curtain walls may appear incorrectly in Sections and Elevations after undoing edits in 3D edit mode
  • 86237 DOCUMENT: Dimensions may be missing when opening a module file with a different Partial Structure Display setting
  • 99748 DOCUMENT: Door marker does not always display zone room ID
  • 100953 DOCUMENT: Font substitution is wrong on Mac OSX 10.6: Some characters are substituted with squares
  • 90508 DOCUMENT: Grid Tool settings under «Section Default/Selection Settings» are ineffective if the layer of the Grid System is locked
  • 101276 DOCUMENT: Grid’s position in section will not follow edits made on floor plan, if the grid’s layer is locked
  • 99992 DOCUMENT: Project Reviewer on Mac can not display DWF files exported by ArchiCAD 13
  • 101614 DOCUMENT: Scale-dependent objects might appear with wrong scale in drawings (circumstantial)
  • 101477 DOCUMENT: Sections and elevations on layouts are always displayed with the project’s active Model View Option (MVO) setting instead of it’s own MVO
  • 100267 DOCUMENT: Z-Buffer rendering fails with certain geometries (Add-On error occurs and the rendering process is aborted)
  • Ошибки, связанные с Teamwork:

  • 99851 CRASH — In Teamwork when releasing an object after editing its script
  • 100642 CRASH: In Teamwork after receiving changes, if another user had deleted the master layout that I assigned to a newly created layout
  • 99377 CRASH: In Teamwork upon receiving changes when navigator preview shows a story that has been deleted by another team member
  • 99938 CRASH: In Teamwork when a user without layout creation rights tries to merge a layout into the Teamwork file
  • 93311 CRASH: In Teamwork when re-loading project from server after user has been canceled by an administrator
  • 99682 CRASH: In Teamwork when receiving changes, if one user creates a detail in a section, but another user deletes the section
  • 97077 CRASH: In Teamwork, finishing a Curtain Wall editing operation may cause crash, if send or receive operations were carried out during Curtain Wall editing
  • 100653 CRASH: In Teamwork, when relinking a drawing to a .PMK file
  • 100353 TEAMWORK: Editing StairMaker stairs in the BIM Server Library can cause inconsistent behavior of the stair. The fix will cause that Stairs in BIM Server Libraries will no loger be editable. Stairs need to be placed in the embedded library, as described on Archicadwiki: //
  • 99707 TEAMWORK — BIM Server stops after a few minutes, if the DNS Server can not reliably resolve the BIM Server machine’s name
  • 100448 TEAMWORK: Receiving changes fails with «Server returns error code» message when another user deletes a section/elevation or drawing that I have modified
  • 100344 TEAMWORK: Sending and Receiving changes operation freezes (BIM server gets in non-responsive state) under rare circumstances
  • 100341 TEAMWORK: Sending changes failed under certain circumstances with «server returned error code» message
  • 100654 TEAMWORK: ‘Show requested elements’ command does not zoom to the elements in the 3D window
  • 101475 TEAMWORK: «Database commit failed» error occurs when sending changes after dimensioning an element that comes from a nested Hotlink (circumstantial)
  • 102146 TEAMWORK: «Database Commit failed» error when sending changes after updating drawing (circumstantial)
  • 99790 TEAMWORK: «Error occurred during Hotlink/XREF cache synchronization» error during send/receive operation under special circumstances
  • 101747 TEAMWORK: «Error occurred during Hotlink/XREF Cache synchronization» when sending changes after undoing a section delete (circumstantial)
  • 100316 TEAMWORK: «Release All» doesn’t send changes if only embedded library part is changed
  • 101395 TEAMWORK: «Server returns error code» when sending changes after a file is hotlinked that has an element in it that is in a Solid Element Operation relation with an element in it’s nested Hotlink
  • 98618 TEAMWORK: «Show» command in messages do not work if an element is assigned to; or requested from the user, whose layer is hidden
  • 99672 TEAMWORK: A user without ‘Library part — Delete/Modify’ rights can not add/delete whole libraries either, even if these rights are granted
  • 99535 TEAMWORK: A user without Project Administrator rights can also share files
  • 98685 TEAMWORK: Access Rights are randomly ordered in Role Settings dialog
  • 99148 TEAMWORK: Assigning drawings to another user from the Drawing Manager: Message text may quote inappropriate drawing name
  • 100033 TEAMWORK: BIM Server can not send e-mails if authentication is required on the e-mail server
  • 99725 TEAMWORK: BIM Server stops automatically if Account Name under BIM Server Preferences contains % character
  • 100392 TEAMWORK: Changing or relinking a nested Hotlink then updating the containing hotlink in offline mode: Hotlink changes are not sent to BIM server
  • 98860 TEAMWORK: Curtain Wall «Boundary Editing in Section» commands work on unreserved curtain walls, potentially causing crash
  • 98346 TEAMWORK: First «Send & Receive» operation after relinking Hotlinks is slow
  • 102594 TEAMWORK: GDL script editor does not inform user of who is reserving object
  • 96379 TEAMWORK: Granting an already released publisher set returns server error
  • 99089 TEAMWORK: If two users are editing the Embedded Library at the same time, objects created by the other user might appear missing on the floorplan — reloading the library fixes the problem
  • 100527 TEAMWORK: IFC data is not saved with Teamwork Projects
  • 97217 TEAMWORK: Inconsistent element ownership in embedded libraries if different users create embedded library folders with the same name
  • 98862 TEAMWORK: Inconsistent reservation status of Embedded Library folder after releasing the folder but keeping certain elements in the folder reserved
  • 100733 TEAMWORK: It is possible to delete unreserved elements through the ‘Edit Elements by Story’ dialog
  • 99290 TEAMWORK: Layout reservation status may be incorrect in Navigator after reserving the layout; changing the master layout; and assigning the layout
  • 100152 TEAMWORK: On MAC OSX 10.6 the background of the message balloon is sometimes blurred
  • 98710 TEAMWORK: Rebuilding a «manual rebuild»-type section is only possible after reserving all Grid elements on the section — even if Grid was not modified.
  • 101316 TEAMWORK: Receive changes might fail if user A creates elements, User B adds dimensions to them, and user A then deletes some of the elements dimensioned (circumstantial)»
  • 102485 TEAMWORK: Refreshing a BIM Server library is not possible, if another user has a library part reserved»
  • 99371 TEAMWORK: Releasing an embedded stair after editing it may not release the stair’s folder in the embedded library
  • 99370 TEAMWORK: Requesting an embedded object that has been renamed by another teammate: the library part will be missing after receiving it
  • 99363 TEAMWORK: Reserving a marker object through the «Reserve Elements» dialog will also reserve the linked section/elevation that the marker is linked to.
  • 99882 TEAMWORK: Reserving a stair in the Edit Stair dialog will force you to receive changes even if the object is up-to-date
  • 99595 TEAMWORK: Reserving many drawings at the same time in a Layout book can be slow, if the Drawing Manager window is open
  • 93670 TEAMWORK: Role setting «Library Part — Delete/Modify» is ineffective — unauthorized users can also edit embedded objects
  • 100595 TEAMWORK: Sending changes to BIM Server fails, after deleting external drawing (intermittent)
  • 101564 TEAMWORK: Under special circumstances the BIM Server can get in a deadlock and becomes inaccessible
  • 99833 TEAMWORK: Unnecessary library reload may occur after Hotlink update, when a second copy of an object is placed in the hotlinked file
  • 99541 TEAMWORK: Working with filters in the Project Log can cause a duplication of filters, eventually causing a communication error with the BIM Server
  • Ошибки EcoDesigner:

  • 100335 EcoDesigner: Cannot analyze Curtain Wall elements placed by boundary geometry method
  • 100224 EcoDesigner: Change in the calculation unit is not reflected in the Evaluation Report
  • 99641 EcoDesigner: In Teamwork, after reanalyzing the building, some elements do not appear with the appropriate mark-up color.
  • 100143 EcoDesigner: Saving an ArchiCAD 13 file in AC 12 format: Energy sources and costs settings are not stored
  • Ошибки MEP Modeler:

  • 100213 MEP Modeler: Labels assigned to ducts may duplicate when offsetting the duct

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Windows 64-bit (все языки)

Mac (все языки)

Информация об обновлении на официальном сайте: ArchiCAD 13 Hotfix#2* (Build 3235) Release Notes

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